Somewhere over July...
Since my last post I have had a short vacation with my husband in February and one week later we landed three Foster children... six months later the children have transitioned back to parents and we are transitioning back to only three of us in the house... it has felt sad and exhilarating, if that is possible...but I am finding my footing... especially today because I spent some time ALONE... something I haven't been in 6 months!
I took myself out to Hunting Island and enjoyed the sun, sand and surf. Beautiful day! And so inspiring... I was reminded all over again why I love the beach. The Atlantic was refreshing and flecked with glittering sand and I just wanted to cry it was all so beautiful.
Since July 2011 I have been working on a series of Oyster paintings that have been, most of all fun, educational, and at times, have even been enjoying some sales success (yay!) I am also returning to my Nest series and have recently ventured into Encaustics. I look forward to seeing where all of this is going.
So, I'm back to making a new effort in art and hopefully in writing about this journey. Thanks for joining me!